What my clients say
Sometimes testimonials get a bad press. Some people think perhaps that they are made up or exaggerated or not representative. I can sympathise with those misgivings - I’d be a bit sceptical too if I hadn’t experienced at first hand just how effective hypnotherapy can be.
I believe that word of mouth from people who have experienced my hypnotherapy provides the best recommendation possible. These satisfied clients speak for themselves.
Small Steps
I’ll call her Jenny, not her real name of course. When Jenny’s son first contacted me about some hypnotherapy sessions for her, she hadn’t left the house on her own for almost nine years ever since her husband died.
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When Jenny finally came round for our first session, aided by her son, she seemed so much older than her 53 years, almost unable to make the stairs, frail and shaking. In that first session, as I do with everyone, I asked her about what she wanted to get out of our sessions together. After some gentle questioning she realised that what she really wanted was to be able to go to Falmer Pond, unaided, and buy some free-range eggs from the farm shop there.
On a cosmic scale of activity, that might not seem much, but for Jenny it was a world away from what she thought possible. In better days, she used to take her son there to feed the ducks and of course visit that farm shop.
So we concentrated on what that journey would be like and how making that journey would change her life. With Jenny, as I often do with many clients, I talked about “evolutionary change”, about how small steps can add up to make large journeys. I also gave her some tasks as a way of keeping the momentum going between sessions. It’s essentially learning by doing.
As one of her tasks Jenny decided to clear out the garden shed which had accumulated rubbish over the years. For many people, physical de-cluttering and emotional de-cluttering go hand in hand. For Jenny, restoring that shed gave her a dedicated place to work in; it also proved to her that change was possible AND that it was actually happening. Every day she would take herself off to that garden shed to enjoy some deep breathing and relaxation audios and to imagine making her journey.
One afternoon, some 2 months or so after we had begun our sessions, I received a phone call from Jenny. “Do you know where I am?” she asked. “I’m here at Falmer Pond and I’m holding a half-dozen eggs in my hand. Thank you.” She hung up and I don’t know whether she went home afterwards to make an omelette or stayed to feed the ducks or simply relished that moment of independence.
What I do know is that several months later she moved out of that large old house with its limiting memories, moved into a small bungalow by the sea, and sent me a postcard. She was sitting in her garden, she wrote, admiring her azaleas and appreciating the touch of sunlight on her skin.
Even though she didn’t mention them, I’m pretty sure that, somewhere in her kitchen, you’d find a half-dozen eggs from Falmer Pond.
From a PE teacher who stopped smoking after 25 years of self-harm
"This is the most amazing, greatest thing I've ever done .... thank you so very much. I just don't think about smoking anymore!"
From a single parent who wanted to give up smoking. She really manages to capture the essence of a typical Stop Smoking Now session with insight and humour
"A friend suggested I go to see Richard and have hypnotherapy. I was dubious to say the least. I didn't believe I could ever be hypnotised.
My meeting with Richard was amazing. First of all, I felt completely at ease and relaxed. He was nothing like I expected at all. We conversed about my everyday life and smoking patterns and I began to see how involved my smoking actually was, how much of a crutch it had become. Then came the hypnosis part. Though I was consciously thinking to myself that it was impossible and could never be done, I found myself slipping into a strange state of consciousness. Whatever it was, I felt like a million dollars afterwards. I left feeling lighter than I had felt in years.
I no longer hide behind a cigarette anymore. I smell better, I have more energy, I am sleeping better, I have more time, I make more of an effort to do things with my kids and my friends and I certainly am more productive at work. Although I recognise difficult situations, I just deal with them more efficiently now.
I wish I had tried this years ago instead of allowing my scepticism to get the better of me. I certainly think that Richard's approach was perfect and his caring manner and genuine interest in my wellbeing certainly contributed to the success of my habit breaking. He truly has given me the most wonderful gift ever. He has given me back to myself. Thank you - you have no idea how grateful I am!"
You can really sense the liberation in these words from a fellow therapist who stopped smoking & reclaimed his life
"Another stunning day, been out for a run, energy is returning by the day, there is life beyond smoking! A huge Thank You!"
An ex-smoker sees through the smokescreen
"You gave me a chance to see the light. I feel as if something has really changed in me. Thank you for your intelligent conversation."
These comments from a man of 30 who had been addicted to various Class A drugs for more than a decade
"I wouldn’t have been able to come off drugs without your help. I don’t know how you did it, but you did. This is the first time in 12 years that I’ve felt free I only wish I’d come to see you years ago. Thank you very much."
Over the years this man, a skilled professional, became increasingly depressed and felt he'd lost his zest for life. A traumatic event finally forced him to ask for help
"Things are going remarkably well. I'm feeling like I've not done before, at least not that I can remember. I'm feeling mischievous, humorous, relaxed and happy.
I've been exercising 6 days in 7 and I'm feeling fitter and stronger each day.
This is not a burden and if I feel too tired I take a day off. I have a spring in my step and everyone is noticing. Importantly, on the work front I'm pressing on with a project that was shelved many times before and it feels easy.
My concentration is good and I'm able to cut out distractions to focus on the task in hand. However, when inevitable distractions do occur, I weigh them up and if they can be solved in a few minutes then I do so and return to the major task.
It's been a long and at times tough journey though things have really come together especially this last two weeks. I'm in a new place and it's a good one ... many thanks."
From a man who'd had enough of depression and wanted more out of life
"Following a series of personal traumas in a relatively short space of time I felt a terrible sense of loneliness and a wave of depression engulfing me. My visits to Richard enabled me to have a much clearer vision of my life, where I want to be and how to realise the clarity that I sought.
The result has been profound. I now have a very clear vision and understanding of how to deal with the trials and tribulations that life throws at us, and although I have encountered further tragedy and trauma I still have an air of positivity and self-understanding which I could not have achieved without Richard's mentoring."
These words from a young designer suffering from stress and diminishing confidence at work
"My first thoughts were that hypnotherapy was a load of mumbo jumbo but I made a decision that anything was worth a try because my situation was getting pretty unbearable. A homeopath who I had been seeing at the same practice recommended Richard to me.
At first it all seemed quite strange but I let myself be led by Richard with astonishing results. The sessions with Richard were so relaxing, it's hard to put into words but I felt like I had given my mind and body a month's holiday in the space of an hour. I have learnt how important it is through the sessions with Richard that your mind needs to have regular breaks, something which I have overlooked all my life as I'm sure most people do.
With Richard's help I have changed the way I cope with extremely stressful situations which I never believed was possible. Putting the techniques into practice produced results really quickly which in turn affected other troubled areas of my life. The knock-on effect has enabled me to be stronger, more focused and more chilled in general.
Life is hard and sometimes we just need a little or alot of help to get back on track. Richard certainly did that for me and I would thoroughly recommend him, he's totally changed my life. Thanks Richard, you're a star!"
Words from an overworked parent trying to juggle children and a stressful job
"I felt the most profound change after my first session. I came to see Richard to combat stress and anxiety linked to and triggered by being a parent and working part time in a challenging job. From the start Richard made me feel empowered by my decision to come to seek help. His humour and positivity helped me to approach negative thought patterns - those spirals of unhelpful thoughts we descend into - with lightness.
The first hypnosis session felt like a deep relaxation - Richard pushed me to envisage how I will be once the anxiety/stress I felt had gone - the person I would like to be. Such a seemingly simple process yet I feel like a switch has been turned on and I'm becoming closer to that person.
Following my sessions I have felt far more able to cope with the unexpected and approach new challenges with lightness and humour. If something is beginning to cause stress I recognise the feeling and usually know when to stop and rest.
I have started to seek the fun things in life more and feel far more content and aware. I know that there is still a lot to learn but I have made so many changes and I look forward to continuing on this path."
From a carer who rarely found time to care for herself
"Just to let you know that our sessions from last year have made a lasting impression on me, and finally I am practicing the whole self-care thing that you said was so important.
I have been able to take time out for myself and do some more writing. I have also been taking myself shopping and allowing myself to buy some new clothes that aren't in the sale (woo hoo!) and generally going out and socialising more. I have been working on your good practices and it is certainly helping. Thank you!"
From a proud parent whose daughter feared social situations and meeting new people; after only a few sessions, she was able to go to Africa as a volunteer
"Yesterday I was able to watch my beautiful daughter walk through the departure lounge at Heathrow. She had the happiest of smiles, bright shining blue eyes and a glowing inner confidence that we haven't see in quite a long while. She was ready to start her big adventure with the support of her loving family and your help. Thank you for your kindness and understanding."
From an exhausted mother who was trying to sleep, work & raise children all at the same time
"I went to see Richard for problems with time management, thinking that I never had enough time being a working mother of 2 small children. I was frazzled, miserable and exhausted from not sleeping very well. My life was a constant cycle of work, mothering and trying to sleep. Ironically Richard helped me to wake up and open my eyes.
I had no idea what to expect but he sent me on a journey of discovery and it feels a bit like he waved his magic wand and created a life of fun and opportunities. Now there is nothing stopping me from doing anything I choose to do.
I now somehow find the time to do all those things and have time left over to see friends and have hobbies. I go to bed contented and feeling like I am at last living my life.
If you want results, see Richard. It may be the best thing you ever do."
From a dynamic female business manager who found sleeping very difficult
"Since the very first session, I began to sleep so much better, I felt peaceful, much more calm and totally relaxed. I found the breathing exercises helped enormously, and I am still regularly using this technique if I awake during the night or am feeling stressed - it really works. My focus is drawn away from any anxiety and I can feel myself drifting off into a slumber very quickly.
I look and feel so much better. Having a restful sleep every night has helped my complexion, given me far more energy, and overall a 'joie de vivre' that had begun to fade due to my general lack of sleep prior to seeing you. I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone - in fact I have already done so! And I will continue to refer people, as I genuinely believe in your therapy."
This young woman, an NHS manager, struggled with emotional eating until, through hypnotherapy, she established a much healthier relationship with food
"Richard helped me get control of my life but without me having to control anything. I can't quite believe that I am no longer that person who eats enough for 2 or sometimes even 3 without any conscious control at all.
I feel strong, together and most importantly able to keep myself emotionally stable enough not to be over indulging in anything that makes my waist line (and everything else) expand. If only I'd discovered hypnotherapy earlier in my life it would have saved a lot of money on diet food, diet club, gym memberships, diet pills etc."
Here's the relaxed response from a newly non-emotional eater
"I'm a stone lighter and taking lots of leisure time! Thank you."
And another woman who is now much "lighter" around food
"I find myself turning to food less and less ... I weighed myself recently and found that I'd lost 11 lbs!"
This university student needed help to concentrate during her year abroad
"You said that one day I should just walk right up to someone who has done so much for me and say thank you. It's a bit hard to do the walking part with an ocean between us but I hope a THANK-YOU in this letter will do.
It is now my 8th month abroad and I'm amazed and really proud that I'm still here ... you armed me with the tools and wisdom to do so and for that I am so very grateful."
These comments from a mother who repaired her relationship with an adult son
"I've been wanting to let you know how much you helped me cope with my difficult situation, and how your strategies have stayed with me and continued to help when I need them most. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you so very much."
From a young artist who freed up her creativity
"I would walk out of your door after a session feeling so alive, so really me for the first time ever!"
An artist/teacher rediscovered how easy it is to feel creative and focused
"I enjoyed working with Richard enormously and am so glad about the difference that the sessions have made. I was surprised at how simple it was to begin to open doors and stop giving myself a hard time. The sessions were insightful and challenging - helping me to recover my energy and emotional well-being. I am more cheerful, healthy and, best of all, feeling creative and focused again.
The hypnotherapy has helped me to stop worrying about what might happen and get on with what I want to happen. As my frightened imagination began to recover, and with my curiosity re-awakened, I was able to get back to my work as an artist.
I can feel my creativity bubbling up with a renewed focus and confidence. Thank you again - life after hypnotherapy is so much nicer!"
After suffering a serious accident, this professional racer eased his trauma with hypnotherapy and improved his performance dramatically
"Just thought I would let you know how I got on last season, after you treated me for my fear of the first corner of my races.
The season went well, start to finish! So well that I picked up a trophy for most improved rider! As well as getting me through that first corner I went on to improve my lap times setting personal bests at all the circuits (some by a loonnnggg way). AND I didn't fall off once all year - compared to 5 times the year before and the big one the year before that. So all in all a huge success.
As you know, I'm sceptical and scientific in my approach to things and although I can't say for certain that you are entirely and 100% responsible for these improvements, I am sure it played a huge part and that it is the foundation of my great results and enjoyable year. Thanks and I'll continue to use the relaxation techniques you showed me."
This young woman was suffering with chronic pain and reduced mobility
"Richard is the best hypnotherapist I have seen and I am quite sure he is the best in Brighton, if not the world! He is also the nicest, wisest man I have ever met, with a genuine passion for helping people that is not that common amongst private therapists.
I went to see Richard for help with pain control when my medical conditions had got the better of me yet again. I never expected that instead I would end up with a completely different view of my relationship with my body and my health, or that creatively engaging with my pain could be so empowering and so much fun! I also never imagined that after only three sessions I would no longer be using opiates for pain, or that after ten sessions I would, for the first time in well over a decade, be able to manage my pain and my life with just a couple of ibuprofen a day.
Being hypnotised is the best feeling, like giving your brain a warm bath. And learning and using self-hypnosis whenever you need it is like having a secret super-power. I now sleep more deeply naturally than I ever did with the 'help' of drugs and am much more content in my life and, most importantly, in myself.
I feel at home in my own skin for the first-time since I became ill and thanks to Richard I have made friends with my body and now see it as my ally rather than a source of pain and conflict. I feel in control: I now know that life doesn't have to be an exhausting battle to sink or swim, and that with the right help from someone kind and wise, you can learn how to float."
This mature man's health and mobility were significantly affected by chronic pain until he tried hypnotherapy
"I just want to let you know that my health, and especially my energy levels, have improved in leaps and bounds since I last saw you. I am now able to go for hour-long walks at a cracking pace and I no longer need rests during the day unless I am going out in the evening! I would just like to thank you for your guidance, which was just what I needed, to help the other lifestyle changes really start to show some results."
From a young woman who overcame her fear of needles and successfully conceived after 13 years of trying
In order to have IVF treatment, this client first had to overcome her fear of needles which we managed to do in just two sessions:
“Thank you so much for your help. You would have laughed - at the clinic the nurse mentioned the blood test, and my only reaction was to remark 'only 1'!! She thought I was a changed woman and I didn't make a sound when it actually happened - it really has helped and I have recommended you to many people! So a big thank you again.”
After a few hypnotherapy fertility-boosting sessions, she became pregnant in her very first round of IVF:
"It certainly seems to have helped and I already seem to be calmer with my daily injection. Having something to visualise really helps."
and she now has a baby son:
“What an amazing moment to listen to heartbeats, and see moving limbs … all just quite overwhelming ... a huge thank you for your help!”
A young woman reflects on the effects of a traumatic birth experience
"This year has been so much better with you supporting and guiding me through the difficulties. I will always cherish your words of wisdom and will never forget how you lifted me out of that horrible dark place I was in."
This mature woman overcame her lifelong phobia of fish and has just returned from snorkelling Australia's Great Barrier Reef
“Our last session was incredible! I don't know exactly what happened in it, but it worked. Richard faced the challenges I brought to him with great courage! He was determined to decipher my somewhat inarticulate description of my problems and went to a lot of trouble to help me overcome them.
After a few sessions, I conquered my biggest dread and was able to enjoy my holiday without the fear that would otherwise have overshadowed it.”
This client needed help in dealing with her medical fears.
"I would like to thank you for the help and guidance you have given me over the last year in dealing with the fear of epileptic seizures. I am now taking medications for my condition which I have always resisted and other tests to investigate my condition. Thank you again."
This mature woman had lost confidence in her driving ability. Here she describes driving home after our second hypnotherapy session.
"Drove home without fear or worry. I even overtook a lorry, safely and capable. Usually milk floats and cycles are the most I would do. I felt on top of the world when I arrived home. Gave myself a well done. Look forward to driving now although have not been too far yet, trying the bite size chunks first."
A mid-life crisis of confidence led this man to me. Essentially, I just asked him "What do you really want?"
"You have unlocked something in me that has never really been felt before. You have become a beacon literally and I hope that I learn to find a path still being aware of the beauty that surrounds me."
A reflection on the sometimes unexpected benefits of hypnotherapy
"Hypnotherapy is an amazing experience; not at all what I expected it to be and yet so much more.
With Richard’s help I revisited aspects of my life which have had a negative impact on how I live my life now; I have met that confused child who made bad decisions and I have forgiven her. Richard has enabled me to take ownership of the pain, befriend it, and let love live alongside.
None of this would have been possible if I had not trusted Richard implicitly. Thankfully he was recommended to me by a friend which helped and I am grateful for her judgement.
You will not find a more truly empathetic guide to ease you through whatever it is that brings you to his door.”
Some general thanks
"A very BIG THANK YOU for all the wonderful help you gave me, giving your time to help me so much. My mind seemed to be slipping away from me and you helped to bring it back. You helped me be more positive and manage to look forward instead of back."
From a professional assessment report on my session work
“This was a confident, assured and inspiring session from beginning to end, and your sensory rich description was the most poetic and vivid I have ever heard in a hypnosis session. Fantastic stuff … you obviously have a gift.”
Pictures speak louder than words

"For over twenty years, these hands had been bitten, torn and badly abused generally. This is their transformation after just two sessions."
Some wonderfully random comments
“Does it work ... and how!!”
“Richard is worth his weight in gold..."
“You saved my life!”
“I think Richard is one of the nicest men I’ve ever met.”
“I arrived in tears and I left laughing!”
“This is better than TV.”
“Let's get to the voodoo!”
16 Lorna Road, Hove. Tel: 01273 779488
Email: hypnobrighton@gmail.com
Web: www.hypnobrighton.com