Special Programmes

A word from me: Richard Cupidi, DHypPsych(UK)

I practice a pragmatic form of hypnotherapy focused on finding solutions - that's why I'm constantly refining my methods and techniques to discover what works best for clients.

These Special Programmes, all carefully crafted with clear structures, are designed to provide easier, more streamlined access to the therapeutic process.

  • A Healthy Rest    Because we all lead such busy lives, it's really important to set aside some recovery time and remind ourselves just how good a healthy rest feels. One session with an audio & help sheet.  £55

  • Dealing with Relationships    Discover the four key areas for sustaining healthy relationships and find out what you can do to improve yours. It might make all the difference between communciation and conflict. Two sessions with accompanying helpsheets and techniques.   £135

  • What Do You Really Want?    Often, when we consider what matters in our lives and what we really want, the answers are usually hidden in plain sight. This creative programme will help you identify those important goals, evaluate them, and then help you something about them. Three sessions with accompanying helpsheets, take-away techniques and audios.   £175

  • Worrying Well    So many worries and so little time to deal with them? Our Worrying Well programme will help you organise your concerns more systematically, and deal with them in a much more effective way. Also, Worrying Well will help you turn the whole worrying process into a positive skill, into an essential tool for living better. Two sessions with helpsheets and an audio. £135

  • Breakthrough Creativity    Allow your natural creativity to flourish and apply itself whatever the task at hand. This seven-step process will help you to free up your naturally creative imagination. Two sessions with accompanying helpsheets and techniques. £175

  • Peak Performance Living    One of the best applied systems for keeping stress and daily aggravations at bay. As well as minimising stress, Peak Performance Living also encourages your body's natural systems to flourish. Three sessions, with a helpsheet, audio and system support.  £175

  • Stop Smoking Now    If you want to stop smoking quickly without patches or problems, then this is the method for you. Stop Smoking Now is a drug-free, friendly and relaxed package of 2 sessions, supported by helpsheets, audios, and a booster session which can be taken in the following six months.   £135


Perhaps it's time you considered the very real benefits that hypnotherapy can offer to you and to those around you.


Please note:Sessions last 75 minutes and all Special Programmes need to be pre-booked. Any questions or comments you have about these programmes are always welcome.

Dolphin House Clinic

15 New Road, Brighton

Tel: 01273 324790

Web: www.thedolphinhouseclinic.org.uk


16 Lorna Road, Hove. Tel: 01273 779488

Email: hypnobrighton@gmail.com

Web: www.hypnobrighton.com